Hidden Passages

They say the best way to discover a city is to walk everywhere. You'll discover things you never realized was there.

After lunch one day, I decided to wander around the 9th. It soon began to rain and I came across Passage Jouffroy, a little pathway with skylights that connect two main streets through a building. Perfectly made for a rainy day. 

With a wax museum, a vintage bookstore, a tea room, a home decor boutique, an art gallery, as well as a store selling miniature homes and furnishings (from mini tables to kitchen appliances, paintings to little pastries, flower pots to silverware!), this passage had it all. 

Passage Jouffroy

At the vintage book store, I found all these great discounted books - on architecture, photography, interior design, food, history, science, short stories, the list goes on. There was even one with full page pictures of Audrey Hepburn for just 10 euros. The perfect addition for our coffee table. :)

As I'm furnishing our apartment right now, discovering new shops is the perfect way to collect things to fill the home. Although our style is more on the minimalist-modern-contemporary side, there's nothing wrong with adding a little bit of rustic vintage to the collection.

Passage Jouffroy

Musée Grévin wax museum

While the passages are not long (though Passage Jouffroy does have this wax museum), there are also many other ones nearby that you can visit along the way, including:

Happy discovering!

A Little Something

It is a little acknowledged but universally true fact that every girl has at some point in her life experienced a sudden fluttering in her chest the moment she sees a little object of something or another, that for a thoroughly inexplicable reason, has wholly and irrevocably captured her heart. "Oh my gosh, this. is. SO cute!". 

Immediately following our vacation at the end of August, we will move in once and for all to our new apartment! And so these days I've been scrolling along Le Marais, little streets filled with boutiques of every kind (especially home décor), contemplating which and what kind of arrangements would be appropriate for our new home. White or color picture frames? Paintings or modern art? Eclectic or matching? Wholly white silverware or with some fine detailing? It is really quite difficult shopping for a home you have yet to live in. 

While we bought most our furniture already during a massive trip to Ikea last week (we decided on the two primary colors so far: white and wood. It's going to be contemporary on the modern side with a splash of light wood hues), I'm still scoping out where I can buy the little things.

I love things that have meaning, so everytime I look at them, it reminds me of a moment or event in my life that made me feel something. This diffuser that I bought on Tuesday is small and simple, but it will always remind me of three things: 1) my friend in New York, 2) the girl at Jo Malone, and 3) that things are always better when you wait for them.

Diffuser for the Home: English Pear & Freesia by Jo Malone

I was first introduced to Jo Malone by a friend in New York, who begged me to smell the scents at their store. I had a coup de foudre with English Pear & Freesia, which reminded me of a little girl playing with clean linens her mother had just washed. It was so simple, fresh, and pure, not to mention the gorgeous black and white packaging with a small black bow. I left that day thinking I already had one too many perfumes. 

Many months later, I was now in Paris, and saw their stores everywhere. Each time I would go in and smell the scents, but would never buy it. I never had a reason.

Finally, this week, it was an Asian girl working there who greeted me. Soft spoken and with a lovely smile, she had none of the motives of a typical sales person. She was genuinely interested in sharing the scents with me, and we began talking. I soon learned that she was a student studying in Paris, just like me. We also liked many of the same things. 

When I couldn't decide on the perfume, I saw the room diffuser that was the perfect décor item for our new apartment. A scent in the foyer that I'll come home to everyday and be able to share with W and friends (who come over for tea, hehe). And even though the girl and I never exchanged contact information, I know I'll never forget her. 

And what do you know, I scented our room that night and W absolutely ADORED it!